Who is the whispering ghost voice?

Of course. you can’t hear it, AI got goosebumps

ㆍDigital audio watermarking involves embedding a secret message to prove ownership of audio files.

‘MUSEBLOSSOM’ offers an audio watermarking service to protect the copyright of music content.

ㆍHow can I prove my identity using a watermark?


Unheard and unseen ghosts

Ghost is ‘watermark’. A visual watermark is an invisible logo or picture embedded in an image, while an audio watermark is an inaudible message embedded in a sound file. The message contains data, codes, and identifiers related to the owner of the content. This sound is not audible to the human ear. Only an AI engine that detects watermarks can identify the message. A ghost voice in audio content refers to an inaudible message that has been embedded in the sound file.

What is the effect of a ghost voice?

How to protect your voice from thief

You can mark it as ‘mine’. With a watermark. MUSEBLOSSOM, has recently launched ‘Audio Defence’, an audio watermarking service designed to protect the copyright of music content. The service is focused on music that is particularly difficult to copyright in the digital age, such as audiobooks, podcasts, background music, advertising music, music content on platforms like SoundCloud or YouTube, and even music created by AI. Generative AI music, in particular, is prone to copyright controversy because it learns from existing data and creates songs based on it. As a result, there is no way to check if the AI has permission from the original creator. For instance, if you use Deep Voice to post an AI cover of a song, it can easily be mistaken for a real singer.

Deeptech companies like Meta, OpenAI, and Google have recently announced their plan to introduce a new system that mandates the use of a watermark to identify AI-generated content. This watermark, known as MUSEBLOSSOM’s audio watermark, will be used to distinguish between the original work and the AI-generated content, thereby protecting the rights of the original author. (This is particularly important to prevent fake content, such as fake Charlie Puss songs, from climbing up the music charts.)

MUSEBLOSSOM offers services to broadcasters, OTT platforms, e-commerce companies, video conferencing, voice security companies, and artists creating NFTs as content.

MUSEBLOSSOM offers an audio watermarking solution that is compatible with mobile devices.ⓒMUSEBLOSSOM

Do this, ‘Audio Defence’

Audio Defense watermarks are highly effective and secure. Once inserted, they cannot be removed from audio files. These watermarks are resistant to various conversion attacks like sample rate conversion, A/D, D/A conversion, MP3, Ogg Vorbis, and other lossy audio codecs, noise addition, editing, EQ, compression, limiting, and distortion. This means that it is impossible to remove the watermark without compromising the original sound quality. Additionally, the watermark and audio are protected indefinitely. Adding a watermark to your music files before uploading them to SoundCloud can safeguard them against piracy. Using Audio Defense is also very simple.

1. log in, upload your audio file and enter the recipient’s information. The file will then be securely uploaded with a watermark.

2. The watermark message contains an encrypted digital signature of the person who owns the metadata such as author and recipient information.

3. Anyone who downloads a copy of the watermarked file agrees to protect the copyright.

4. The watermarked music file is securely stored in Audio Defense’s database.

5. Watermark verification is the process of detecting and extracting the digital watermark (signature) information from the music file. This is done by the Audio Defense decoding AI engine. If a signature is found, the information is displayed on the screen.

6. If a music file is illegally copied or distributed, the file owner can always trace back the copy. If a pirated copy is found, it is identified by entering its URL or by entering its source.

7. This process prevents copyright infringement of the original author.

Are you real or fake?

Merriam-Webster, an American dictionary publisher, has chosen ‘authentic’ as the word of the year for 2023. The decision reflects the growing concern about the rise of AI-generated fake voices, photos, and videos. As AI technology continues to advance, it may become increasingly challenging to distinguish between what is real and what is not. This could lead to a future where we need to prove our authenticity constantly. Therefore, the concept of “body security” becomes more critical than ever.

Imagine a world where everything we create digitally, including our voices, photos, and even our bodies, can be effortlessly replicated. In a digital twin, a virtual human acts as a more realistic version of you. Moreover, if there were AI capable of reading our thoughts, our creative ideas could be leaked to it. (Brain activity analysis and thought-to-text translation are already being developed.) It’s possible that in the future, 3D printing could create doppelgangers that look like us in the real world. Consequently, verifying identity will become an essential aspect of our lives.

Perhaps, in the not-so-distant future, we will need a watermark on our iris to prove our identity. We might even need to go through ‘watermark immigration’ at airports, seaports, or any digital space where identity verification is necessary.

Digital watermarks are crucial in safeguarding your identity and uniqueness.

Eunju Lee