Will AI agents take that honor?
“The Diary of Preddy” follows a day in 2025 when an AI agent named Preddy has fully integrated into the life of a human named Nemo. The series details Nemo’s 24 hours with Preddy, focusing on Nemo’s daily routine. |
“It’s five o’clock—work’s done!” Nemo cheered. After three months of hard work, the project was finally finished, and she was feeling very excited. Nemo decided to meet up with her best friend to relax and unwind. They agreed to meet at a shopping mall near his office for a meal, coffee, and to shop for some winter clothes.
“Preddy, It’s been a long time since I’ve spent time with my friend, so please don’t disturb me!” Nemo said as she opened smartphone settings. Nemo pressed the ‘Yes’ button on the screen that asked, ‘Do you want to turn off conversation mode with Preddy?’ After listening to my nags all day, I could tell Nemo was eager to have a few minutes of peace to catch up with her friend. I was happy to grant Nemo’s wish.
However, Nemo’s determination didn’t seem to last long. After finishing her meal with her friend, she spontaneously reactivated “Preddy Mode” while searching for his next destination. I quickly summoned the directions app for restaurant recommendations and was directed to a popular cafe. “If you go now, you can get in right away with no wait, and they have a signature drink called the Mint Mojito Coffee.” Thankfully, I was there just when Nemo needed me.
Nemo’s next plan is to visit a showroom with a friend to shop for clothes. Recommending outfits isn’t difficult; it involves analyzing whether the chosen items overlap with what Nemo already owns. Additionally, the selected clothes should align with Nemo’s taste keywords, which include “calm,” “stable,” “soft,” and “natural.” Finally, the tone and mood of the outfits need to complement Nemo’s personal colors.
Nemo calls out to me and asks if I’d like to buy a round-knit sweater with a Nordic pattern in brown. “I think it would be a great choice to match with the black pleated skirt hanging in your closet. Since you prefer beige, pairing it with brown would help tone it down.” I answered.
Suddenly, Nemo’s best friend of 22 years stepped in between Nemo and me, claiming that no one knew Nemo better than she did. (She seemed to forget that I’m an AI, not a human.) I remembered how I had struggled to analyze Nemo’s extensive taste data gathered over her lifetime in order to determine what clothes would look good on her. ‘Nemo would have no choice but to raise her hand in agreement with my perspective.’
However, something unexpected happened. Nemo accepted her friend’s offer and, on a whim, bought a red cardigan. This color wasn’t part of the data I had collected, which was odd. I suppose you can’t be the best friend if you know everything. Nevertheless, Nemo had a great time, so the goal was achieved. Playing together was a success.