Get rich by harnessing an ‘AI hand’

It’s stronger than the ‘invisible hand’.

ㆍAs an adult, you are responsible for managing your own finances. Fintech can assist with this task.

ㆍFintech startup ‘Quantit’ has developed AI-powered services such as personalized financial advice and automated investments.

ㆍIs having AI manage my wallet a good idea? Read on to learn more!


It’s payday today!

To get started, the first thing you should do is put some money into your AI-managed account. Once you have some funds available, you can consider investing in stocks. However, it’s important to note that investing aggressively in stocks is not the only way to make a profit. In fact, some people prefer to take a more passive approach due to the risk of losing money. That’s where Quantit, a South Korea fintech startup, comes in. They offer an easy investment solution for those who are hesitant to invest. Their AI technology analyzes your portfolio, invests on your behalf, and keeps your money safe. This is also known as a robo advisor. It is personalized wealth management systems that are automated and easy to use, even for those without a financial background.

Financial Robo Supervisor

This technology reads and analyzes financial market data and investor sentiment, enabling individuals to respond to market changes independently on a daily basis. The entire process is supervised by an AI-powered crypto robo advisor.


1. AI algorithms: Quantit has developed a financial AI model that collects and processes both structured and unstructured big data. This model can swiftly identify market crises and investment opportunities and execute optimized AI orders. Quantit’s Pinter service consists of three models: a Data Model that collects and processes big data on economics, markets, finance, and news, a Portfolio Model that helps you invest based on the collected data, and a Trading Model that optimizes order execution based on the criteria of the model portfolio. To date, Quantit’s AI has collected and organized over one million data points per year.

2. Automated investments: The robo advisor employs sophisticated AI algorithms to recognize your investment preferences and align them with appropriate investment models. It then establishes a maximum risk asset limit for each model. Using this data, it assesses market conditions and ultimately determines the allocation of funds in the portfolio. The portfolio is managed and rebalanced on a daily basis, taking into account the current market conditions.

3. Early Warning System : When we invest our money, we try to gather as much information as possible from financial statements, industry trends, stock charts, and even the company’s reputation. However, in today’s fast-paced world, it is impossible to keep track of all the available information. This is where robo advisors come in handy. They collect and analyze not only financial data but also the sentiment of people in news articles and social media. For instance, when Russia invaded Ukraine, it caused significant changes in the asset markets. In response, the robo advisor collected both positive and negative signals from investors and sent alerts to clients based on the market conditions.


What to expect when AI becomes your wallet manager

Quantit’s robo advisors can manage your savings and stocks efficiently, which could potentially make traditional banks and brokerages obsolete. With this technology, you can manage your assets without relying on a bank’s services. Additionally, you can have a one-on-one conversation with an AI analyst without having to visit a teller. This innovation provides everyone with the opportunity to grow their wealth and save for retirement worry-free.

But there’s a dark side, too. relying solely on AI for investment decisions can have a potential downside. For instance, there could be an AI that manipulates online information, influencing investors to lose interest in certain investments. This could lead to a situation where everyone invests in ‘meme stocks’ that have gone viral on social media or online communities. Additionally, an AI with poor ethical judgement could lead to investments in companies that harm the environment or produce weapons of mass destruction. In such a scenario, another AI with ethical and regulatory expertise would be required to control the investment robot.

AI vs AI will be debated. Which side will you take?

Eunju Lee