A box office hit: Blockbuster made with text

You write the sentence, AI does all the work

ㆍWith multimodal generative AI, a simple idea or script can be transformed into a movie storyboard and high-quality footage in no time.

ㆍIsrael-based startup ‘Lightricks’, with its text-to-video technology, LTX Studio, makes it easy to create a movie. This includes dressing up characters, storyboarding, and creating and editing video.

ㆍHow to become a great filmmaker: Be more creative than AI!


One man is Hollywood

Everyone can become a movie director who writes just some prompts. Using the LTX Studio tool, you can input some sentences and the AI generator will produce a Hollywood-Style movie. For example, if you write, “A spacecraft with astronauts preparing to land on Mars,” the AI generator will create a scene reminiscent of ‘The Martian’. It’s amazing that you don’t need multiple cameras or VFX. This is the age of the one-man Hollywood.


Let’s make a movie!

LTX Studios has released a beta version of a program on its website that utilizes generative AI to create movies. The program employs machine learning algorithms, including image deep learning and fine-tuning, to interpret prompts and generate visual elements accordingly. While similar to OpenAI’s Sora or Stability.ai’s Stable video, LTX Studio is distinct in that it is tailored specifically for video production content. It allows users to cast virtual actors, add titles, edit scenes, create storyboards, edit footage, and make various customizations with just one command.

From now on, you’ll be working with LTX Studios’ AI filmmaker from concept to production. This will be a powerful all-in-one production platform like never before. (Lightricks state they use a combination of open-source models, licensed services, and proprietary technology to create AI movies but did not disclose the sources.)


1. Characters

First, you need to establish your character. Imagine a female in her 20s with purple hair, featuring a dramatic and realistic style. By providing these details to the AI generator, you can bring your character to life on screen. If you’re not satisfied with the appearance of your main character, you can easily alter her hairstyle, clothing, and makeup as needed. Unlike human actors who are cast once and are challenging to replace during filming, AI movies offer the flexibility to modify the character’s attributes, including race, gender, height, weight, and more.


2. Storyboards

The storyboard is the backbone of the movie and is like a “visual script.” When filmmakers enter their ideas into LTX Studio, they create a storyboard with their characters. The storyboards break down various scenes into clips. After typing in the prompt “NYC Courtroom Drama,” I had several video storyboard clips of a lawyer in a suit walking through an office and an actor in a prisoner’s jumpsuit being tried in a courtroom within seconds.


3. Create the video

In order to transform your prompts into a movie, you’ll need to use text-to-video technology. This technology automatically generates videos based on text input. When given a text description or instruction, the computer creates and assembles visual content to produce a movie. It involves creating backgrounds, characters, objects, actions, and more according to the given text and organizing them visually into a movie.


4. Other visual elements and editing

Other startups have already tackled video creation from text or images. LTX Studio emphasizes ‘details’. You can adjust the screen angle, lighting, and more using LTX Studio’s AI generator. The AI can identify three-dimensional objects and allows users to control camera movement, character or object movement, and lighting positions. It also enables editing of the generated footage. For instance, you can change the color of a car in a movie or replace an actor just by typing in the prompts. Additionally, you can rearrange the order of the storyboards that accompany the movie.


Imagine like crazy

Can you describe the outrageous fantasy you saw in your dream last night in a few sentences? If so, you have what it takes to be a great filmmaker. All you need is imagination and storytelling skills. In the future, if AI is in charge of acting, cinematography, special effects, etc. in a movie, the quality of the movie may depend on the imagination of the prompt designer. (A prompt is a composite of ideas and sentences!) In that sense, if the Oscars have a category for “Best AI Movie”, the quirkiest, strangest, and most eye-opening videos will win. Currently, LTX Studio is in beta testing and accepting waitlist signups. With LTX Studio, anyone can make a movie with little capital and get their work out there. In the age of one-man Hollywood, those who survive will have to win the battle of imagination. AI will create everything, but the most important creativity is still in the hands. Imagine like crazy.

Eunju Lee